What is a scheduling policy and trying to optimize with shortest time-to-completion first (STCF). - Codeprg


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Friday, 8 May 2020

What is a scheduling policy and trying to optimize with shortest time-to-completion first (STCF).

1. What is a scheduling policy?

  • On the context switch, which process to run next, from a set of ready processes?
  • OS scheduler schedules the CPU requests (bursts) of processes
    – CPU burst = the CPU time used by a process in a continuous stretch
    – If a process comes back after I/O wait, it counts as a fresh CPU burst 2

2. What are we trying to optimize?

  • Maximize (utilization = fraction of time CPU is used)
  • Minimize average (turnaround time = time from process arrival to completion)
  • Minimize average (response time = time from process arrival to first scheduling)
  • Fairness: all processes must be treated equally
  • Minimize overhead: run process long enough to amortize the cost of context switch (~1 microsecond)

3. Shortest Time-to-Completion First (STCF)

  • Also called Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF)
  • Preemptive scheduler
  • Preempts running task if time left is more than that of the new arrival