Mechanism of process execution,simple function call, OS scheduler,Mechanism of context switch. - Codeprg


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Friday, 8 May 2020

Mechanism of process execution,simple function call, OS scheduler,Mechanism of context switch.

Mechanism of process execution:)

1. Process Execution:-

  • OS allocates memory and creates memory image
    – Code and data (from home).
    – Stack and heap
  • Points CPU program counter to the current instruction
    – Other registers may store operands, return values, etc.
  • After setup, OS is out of the way and the process executes directly on the CPU.

2. A simple function call:-

  • A function call translates to a jump instruction
  • A new stack frame pushed to the 
  • stack and the stack pointer (SP) updated
  • The old value of PC (return value) pushed to the stack and PC updated
  • A stack frame contains return value, function arguments, etc.

3. How is a system call different?

  • CPU hardware has multiple privilege levels
    – One to run user code: user mode
    – One to run OS code like system calls: kernel mode
    – Some instructions execute only in kernel mode
  • The kernel does not trust user stack
    – Uses a separate kernel stack when in kernel mode
  • The kernel does not trust user-provided addresses to jump to
    – The kernel sets up Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) at boot time
    – IDT has addresses of kernel functions to run for system calls and other events

4. Mechanism of system call: trap instruction:-

  • When system call must be made, a special trap instruction is run (usually hidden from the user by lib c)
  • Trap instruction execution:-
    – Move CPU to higher privilege level
    – Switch to the kernel stack.
    – Save context (old PC, registers) on the kernel stack.
    – Look up address in IDT and jump to trap handler function in OS code.

5. More on the trap instruction:-

  • Trap instruction is executed on hardware in the following cases:
    – System call (program needs OS service).
    – Program fault (the program does something illegal, e.g., access the memory it doesn’t have access to).
    – Interrupt (the external device needs the attention of OS, e.g., a network packet has arrived on network card)
  • Across all cases, the mechanism is: save context on kernel stack and switch to OS address in IDT.
  • IDT has many entries: which to use?
    – System calls/interrupts store a number in a CPU register before calling trap, to identify which IDT entry to use.

6. Return from the trap:-

  • When OS is done handling syscall or interrupt, it calls a special instruction return-from-trap
    – Restore the context of CPU registers from the kernel stack.
    – Change CPU privilege from kernel mode to user mode.
    – Restore PC and jump to user code after trap.
  • User process unaware that it was suspended, resumes execution as always
  • Must you always return to the same user process from kernel mode? No
  • Before returning to user mode, OS checks if it must switch to another process

7. Why switch between processes?:

  • Sometimes when OS is in kernel mode, it cannot return back to the same process it left
    – The process has exited or must be terminated (e.g., segfault)
    – The process has made a blocking system call
  • Sometimes, the OS does not want to return back to the same process
    – The process has run for too long
    – Must timeshare CPU with other processes
  • In such cases, OS performs a context switch to switch from one process to another

8. The OS scheduler:-

  • OS scheduler has two parts
    – Policy to pick which process to run (next lecture)
    – A mechanism to switch to that process (this lecture)
  • Non-preemptive (cooperative) schedulers are polite
  • Preemptive (non-cooperative) schedulers can switch even when the process is ready to continue
    – CPU generates periodic timer interrupt
    – After servicing the interrupt, OS checks if the current
    the process has run for too long

9. Mechanism of context switch:-

  • Example: process A has moved from user to kernel mode, OS decides it must switch from A to B.
  • Save context (PC, registers, kernel stack pointer) of A on the kernel stack
  • Switch SP to kernel stack of B
  • Restore context from B’s kernel stack
  • Who has saved registers on B’s kernel stack?
    – OS did when it switched out B in the past
  • Now, CPU is running B in kernel mode, return-from-trap to switch to user mode of B

10. A subtlety on saving context:-

  • Context (PC and other CPU registers) saved on the kernel stack in two different scenarios
  • When going from user mode to kernel mode, user context (e.g., which instruction of user code you stopped at) is saved on kernel stack by the trap instruction
    – Restored by return-from-trap
  • During a context switch, kernel context (e.g., where you stopped in the OS code) of process A is saved on the kernel stack of A by the context switching code
    – Restores kernel context of process B