What Makes a Good Quality Writer? and six Important Social Media Content Writing Tips and uses Most Powerful & Persuasive Words, Add Teeth to Your Sales Copy. - Codeprg


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Monday 25 May 2020

What Makes a Good Quality Writer? and six Important Social Media Content Writing Tips and uses Most Powerful & Persuasive Words, Add Teeth to Your Sales Copy.

What Makes a Good Quality Writer?

A good writer writes something which, by definition, is challenging. He tests your thoughts or beliefs. He challenges your vocabulary and personal history.

He challenges our comfortable morality. He challenges our linearity. He challenges our basic ideas about language.

A good writer gives knowledge or knowledge to the readers. He helps you grow as a person. He helps you connect with yourself more deeply. He reveals the truth about something.

A good writer creates something amazing or artistic. He writes something meaningful or important. He helps you navigate reality.

A good writer is honest with himself. He sometimes gets irritated. You can't stop thinking about his opinion. He remembers you at home, summer, pets, and county fairs. He hurts your ears. He finds the boundaries of your heart. He speaks out of his faith. He tells a story truthfully. His stories keep you young.

He is not a grammarian. He is seductive. A great writer will change you forever. You can hear his character. His stories elevate you from the worldly world. His writing has a lovely lipid quality.

He tells you a secret. You will interact with him at the bus stop. He meets you in your dreams. He helps you find your own voice. He is the right librarian. Right editor. Perfect Anchor News. He supports our time. He thinks about our future. He breaks the rules.

He always asks "what if ..." He mixes with love. He takes you to the clearing where the magician appears. He is a magician. He is a healer. He usually writes with one or more cats nearby.

He teaches you to be free to experiment with new things and associations. The great writer is your grandmother. His mind is smart, but his heart and mind are sensible. Listen to the great writer. He helps you solve problems and dilemmas.

He is a good partner. he's funny. Sometimes he is awkward and inconsistent. But just for fun. He never bore you He shows instead of telling. He gives you a complete experience. He is dynamic, energetic, and important. You will continuously create a new mental image of the world through their words, feelings, and thoughts.

He helps you see the difference between words. He gives you a real experience. It is not unanimous.
Certainly, he provides you with a rewarding experience. Therefore, he stops your breath. In short, he/she shakes your world!

Six  Important   Social Media Content Writing Tips!

Constantly changing social platform algorithms are very difficult to connect your readers and prospects with your blog and social media posts. But, by implementing some easy-to-follow and result-oriented writing tips, you can produce better results and engage more people.

Check out these 6 exciting social media content writing tips, generate powerful and engaging posts!

1. Research, research, research :)
If you want your social posts to inspire and engage your target groups, then make them relevant to them. The more relevant your posts are, the more success you will get to taste.
Understand your audience. Check general demographic data and then dive deeper.
Connect with your audience on an emotional stage. Share inspirational success stories from your former content customers.

2. Use the language of your prospects:)
Now take your research to the next stage. In which language do your normal customers usually work to state their needs or challenges.

For example, a post that you write on Instagram will be very different for young and wealthy women, mid-level executives on LinkedIn. Use the language of your readers so that your target group can understand it easily. Your prospects will realize that you understand them and their various problems.

3. Pay attention to your grammar :)
Go back to basics! Contrary to popular belief, grammar matters when posting online content and social media.

Good grammar is the building block of good writing. It helps you improve your work. If you focus on it, your readers will easily find out and appreciate what you are writing or trying to say.

Also, be active rather than passive to make your writing come alive. Check if you are using a passive voice. Also check if your copy suffers from too many adverbs and if it is too hard to read.

Also, remove all unnecessary words from your copy. Get to the main points without wasting time. Help your work run smoothly. Later, proofread and remove any words that help to advance your point. Read your copy out loud. You will be able to see your post from a different view. You will be surprised to see many unwanted words.

4. Stay positive:)
It helps to be positive. Negative content is the most repetitive. But this does not mean that your post should always be happy. A major difference exists between 'positive' and 'happy'. You want your readers and prospects to be excited, and excited by your posts, and this is not always a happy post.

5. Harnessing the powers of images and videos:)
Pictures and videos leave a big impact. Visual content is more engaging, and can usually tell a story faster and more concisely than words alone. A picture is worth 1000 words, right?
Video, in particular, can better enable you to 'connect' with your audience on a deeper and higher level.

Mostly, the common man responds well to the video. Reason: It humanizes you and helps you to know them more closely. Therefore, where possible, use effective supporting pictures, graphics, and video to tell the story and guarantee conversions.

6. Include Call to Action (CTA) :)
Include a call to action (CTA), crush your prospects to take the action you want. If you do not do this, many people will not react. In a classic case of 'missed opportunities', they'll just go away, check their stuff.
They may have loved it and received it despite it.CTAs can be of many types with different items. Use this at the end of the blog or at the right place through that.

A quick look at the 10 most powerful and inspiring words!

1. You: By and large, we are selfish by nature, and are more concerned about our interests and welfare. If someone talks about us and our interests, our curiosity increases manifold. And, we hear what he can say. Therefore, use the word 'you' in your sales copy. This spell will weave.

2. Imagine: Inspire your prospects and readers to imagine a beautiful and better world with the word 'IMAGINE'. When you ask them to imagine it, a picture appears before their eyes - something that is better and better.

3. Now: The word 'Now' creates urgency and prompts your readers and prospects to act fast, lest they miss the bus.

4. Immediately: Yet another powerful and inspiring term 'INSTANTLY' promises your target group that they will benefit without any delay. And, who doesn't want to get help right away?

5. New: People love new goods and services for their novelty factor. Therefore, use the word 'new' in your sales copy to hook and motivate people who matter to your business.

6. Free 'free': perhaps the most powerful and persuasive term, once attracted the attention of its prospects and readers. It tells them that they do not need to spend anything to get a good offer, or that they will get some useful things with a product or service for free.

7. Because: if they are presented with an argument, a human becomes easily convinced. Words like 'Basic' help you in this aspect. It helps you drive your business message home in a great way.

8. Limited: Effective words like 'limited' trigger a strong emotional response from your readers and prospects. They worry that if they can't buy or use the offer on a fast basis, the stock will run out. And, nobody likes to miss doing something unique, right?

9. Money: Money Mira Go Round. Wealth is the magnet that attracts all living and breathing souls to this earth. So, why not use the word 'money' in your sales copy and hook your readers and prospects with the word?

10. Improvement: We all have our pain points, want to get relief, and improve our condition. Therefore, use the word 'improv' in your sales copy at least once to inform your target group that their situation will improve if they use or buy your products and/or services.