Single Number II - Codeprg


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Wednesday 19 August 2020

Single Number II

Single Number II

Single Number II

Given a non-empty array of integers, every element appears three times except for one, which appears exactly once. Find that single one.


Your algorithm should have a linear runtime complexity. Could you implement it without using extra memory?

Example 1:

Input: [2,2,3,2]
Output: 3

Example 2:

Input: [0,1,0,1,0,1,99]
Output: 99

class Solution {


    int singleNumber(vector<int>& nums) 


//         unordered_map<int,int> mp;

//         int ans=0;

//         for(auto p:nums)

//         { 

//             mp[p]++;

//         }


//          for(auto p:mp)

//             if(p.second==1)

//             { 

//              ans=p.first;

//              break;

//             }


//         return ans;

         int low_bits = 0, hi_bits = 0;

        for ( const auto &e: nums ) {

            low_bits = ~hi_bits & ( low_bits ^ e );

            hi_bits = ~low_bits & ( hi_bits ^ e );



        return low_bits;




  App 1:

pass 1:  

   Use hash map key=num, val=cnt

pass 2:

  Go thru the hash map and report the number whose val==1


Time = O(n), Space = O(n)

App 2:

   use two hash map, seenOnce, seenTwice


   1. An ele appear 1 time, put in seenOnce

   2. An ele appear 2 times, put in seenTwice, remove from seenOnce

   3. An ele appear 3 times, remove from seenTwice

   4. Now ele in seenOnce is the result.


 Time = O(n), space=O(n)

App 3: 

   Optimize from App 2


   Using truth table


   We see that states are 1, 2, 0

   seen once -> seen twice -> seen none


   So we see transition is as follows. (or define state  )


   00 -> 01 -> 10 -> 11

   h=high, l=low, i=input


   h   l    i    h'  l'

   0   0    0    0   0        // no input, no change

   0   1    0    0   1        // no input, no change

   1   0    0    1   0        // no input, no change

   0   0    1    0   1        // 00->01

   0   1    1    1   0        // 01->10

   1   0    1    0   0        // 10->00 



   h' = ( h & ~l & ~i ) | ( ~h &l & i )


   l' = ( ~h & l & ~i ) | ( ~h &~l & i )

      = ~h & (( l & ~i ) | ( ~l & i ))

      = ~h & ( l ^ i )     --> (1)


   Now if l' is compulted 1st   // 3rd and 5th row  

   h' = h & ~i & ~l' | ~h & i & ~l'

      = ~l' & ( ( h & ~i ) | (~h & i) )

      = ~l' & ( h ^ i)



#ifdef _APP1_

class Solution {


    int singleNumber(vector<int>& nums) {

        unordered_set<int> seenOnce, seenTwice;


        for ( const auto &e: nums ) {

            if ( seenTwice.count (e) ) seenTwice.erase (e);  // 3rd time

            else if ( seenOnce.count (e) ) { // 2nd time

                seenTwice.insert (e);

                seenOnce.erase (e);

            } else seenOnce.insert (e);   // 1st time



        auto it = seenOnce.begin(); 

        return ( *it );




class Solution {


    int singleNumber(vector<int>& nums) {

        int low_bits = 0, hi_bits = 0;


        for ( const auto &e: nums ) {

            low_bits = ~hi_bits & ( low_bits ^ e );

            hi_bits = ~low_bits & ( hi_bits ^ e );



        return low_bits;

