Number of Turns in Binary Tree problem - Codeprg


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Wednesday 22 July 2020

Number of Turns in Binary Tree problem

Number of Turns in Binary Tree

Number of Turns in Binary Tree

Number of Turns in Binary Tree

Given a binary tree and data value of two of its nodes. Find the number of turns needed to reach from one node to another in the given binary tree. If the two nodes are in a straight line, ie- the path does not involve any turns, return -1.

you don't have to take input. Complete the function number NumberOFTurns() that takes root and data value of 2 nodes as input and returns the number of turns required to go from the first node to second.

Just get the path from LCA to the node and count the number of turns in the route using two bool values right and left.

2 special conditions:
if the given two nodes are not LCA then we have to add one more turn to the answer.
if the given node is LCA and they are in same line then the answer should be -1

You must have considered the lowest common ancestor node. It is a right approach first up, but you need to know that if your ancestor is either equal to first or second, then it is not necessary that you'll have a straight line.
There will be no bend for sure but along the path joining them, there can be turns!

Sample Input: 
1 2 3
2 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N N N 9 10 N N
5 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N N N 9 10 N N
1 4

Sample Output:



Case 2.
Given Binary Tree and two nodes 5 & 10 
                /           \
             2              3
            /   \           /   \
          4     5        6     7
        /                 /   \
      8                 9   10
Number of Turns needed to reach from 5 to 10 is 4.

Case 3. 
For the above tree, if two nodes are 1 & 4, the output will be -1 since they are in a straight line

Number of Turns in Binary Tree is very insteresting problem .I get similar idea .First i find lca(lowest common ancenster) and then find number of turn in binary tree.

Node *solve(struct Node * root,int first,int second)
    if(root==NULL)return NULL;
    if(root->data==first||root->data==second)return root;

    struct Node *left=solve(root->left,first,second);
    struct Node *right=solve(root->right,first,second);

    if(!left&&!right)return NULL;
    if(left&&right) return root;
    return left!=NULL ?left:right;
void findlength(struct Node *root,int target,int flag,int &ans,int bend)
 if(!root)return ;

int NumberOFTurns(struct Node* root, int first, int second)
  int ans=0;
  struct Node *ancs=solve(root,first,second);

  int l=0,r=0;

    return l+r+1;
   return r+l;
  return -1;