Poet Or Story-Teller? - Codeprg


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Tuesday 2 June 2020

Poet Or Story-Teller?

Poet Or Story-Teller?

The Poet is a rare animal, they are the conduit for lost Souls, forgotten Souls, and Souls that had unfinished business here on Earth.

"Poetry is the Reflection of a Long-Forgotten Soul" by Ven Bunce.

Many people think poetry is just sitting down and putting stories-to-rhyme, and in some cases that may be so, but poetry is much more than that. Poetry is the out-pouring of a Soul that has passed over to the 'other side', has seen the truth, the hidden truths about this experience here on earth, for Humans in particular, and needs to Warn us or Advise us about our present and our future.

A Poet may not even 'like' poetry or poets, and may not even like writing in particular. (though of course these days we also have digital audio and video to assist). So how does a Poet become a Poet?
To start with, a poet will always have an enquiring mind, a mind that is always looking for the truth behind everything they see and hear. They more often than not have a very 'positive' disposition which generates the 'energy' that the lost Souls can identify with, or else they would search aimlessly for the right minds to use as their conduit. A Lucky Dip would not be a good outcome.

So how do these Souls enter the minds of a potential poet? It can be through coincidence, a broken dream, daydream, or simply sitting down Doodling with a pen/pencil and paper (The preferred way). Try it, sit and doodle, write whatever comes into your head. Don't 'think' about what to write or draw, "just do it" as a very successful entrepreneur once said.

If you sit down and think 'too hard' about your message to the world you will probably write a good, entertaining, informative story, more often than not it will be put to rhyme, but it won't be Poetry, it will be a Story. It can still be called poetry of course, but this is the difference between Poetry and Story-Telling. One comes 'through' the Soul, the other comes 'from' the Mind. The Poet is fed from space/time/ether. The other is fed from experiences/memories/interactions. Both are valid forms of entertainment and deliverance of messages, but only the Poet has the messages for our well-being now and for the future.

Poetry can of course be misinterpreted just as every other writing that has ever occurred, and the best example of this is 'The Holy Bible' probably the most abused book ever written. Charlatons, Do-Gooders, Narcissists, Religious Leaders/Workers are just 'some' of the people who will twist the words written into meaning what 'they wish' them to mean. But Poetry, real poetry, written in rhyme, accesses our Soul directly with the use of simple, even child-like verse that our 'mind' (the gate-keeper) let's through unhindered because it appears too innocent to be a danger. It is then digested and becomes an active belief. Some would call it Enlightenment, or an Awakening, others would call it Love. The True Meaning Of LOVE of course, not the romantic version, or the most common "Love You" at the end of every mobile phone conversation.

Love is an energy, it creates all the good things in life and it 'must' be enabled in every human Soul if our species is to thrive now, and in the future. Music, Art, Literature, Social interaction are all positive traits that keep the 'Love Energy' flowing through our Minds, our Souls and the Ether. We do this by reading the right literature, listening to the right music, and socialising with our family and friends on a regular basis. We also do this by meeting potential Love-Interests on a one-to-one, face-to-face basis and not through the Social Media as is prevalent right now.

Social Media, while convenient, and very good at feeding the endorphins that your Brain and your Mind CRAVE more than anything else is a totally Negative concept. It fills your Brain with calculated (often negative) messages that enter your Mind, and potentially your Soul via the 'endorphins' that you/we Soooo desire above all else (Sub-Consciously). All those 'likes' 'hearts' 'shares' etc, etc are ALL designed to FEED those Endorphins with as many negative messages as possible. They are the 'Feel-Good Cookies' that we are fed to 'take the medicine'. Remember at school, inoculations were often given with a sugar-cube? The same principle applies here, and Social Media should be treated with Sincere Scepticism.

The same can be said for Dating Apps/Sites where we are ALL now openly encouraged to go to find our potential partner/spouse/lover, rather than meet strangers in clubs, pubs, cinema, theatre, sporting events, etc, etc. Whether you want to believe it or not, it's a totally Negative Experience. It uses those old Endorphins yet again to TRAP you into often very negative situations where the end result is usually just an exchange of Sex.

You see a profile picture 'you like', you read stuff that again 'you like', you make contact, they reply, again 'You Like'... those endorphins are RUSHING through your brain now, the excitement is building and you can't WAIT to get to see the person (in person) but all too often it's a complete let-down as their profile was all a load of tosh, written to persuade potential 'victims' to make contact and be manipulated one way or another.

Now I know there are exceptions to the rule and there have been many successful relationships built from online contact. But the facts ARE that more often-than-not these meetings leave a nasty taste in the mouth. It's yet another negative experience which attacks your mind, and potentially your Soul. You become wary of everyone, you withdraw, you become anxious, even depressed because you think you're doing the right thing, but it all ends in tears. 

Sometimes it gets so bad that Suicide seems the only way OUT of the 'Rat-Trap'. Social Media was designed as the BIGGEST Rat Trap in the World and we ALL took the bait - The 'Feel-Good Cookie'.

Spit it OUT right now, and turn it to Your Advantage. Use Social Media knowing what it is, and how it's controlling your every thought, feeling and action, then feed it with your Positivity. Don't react to negative comments, statements, pictures and memes. Simply ignore them even though it's very difficult, you must discipline yourself to refrain from taking the cookie, the endorphin-rush of getting involved in a debate that's only going one way - Down-hill.

OK, you say, what's this got to do with Poetry and Poets?...

The Poets can feed Social Media with their positive rhymes and because these can enter the minds and souls of other social media users unhindered, those positive messages will be digested and reside in the psyche of the recipients and hopefully build up a resistance to the Negativity that abounds throughout Social Media as a whole. It's not guaranteed, but it's a good start.

To find out if You are a Poet at heart and believe you'd like to generate the 'Love Energy' to help humanity, then just sit down on your own in a quiet area where you'll not be disturbed, with a pen and some paper. Close your eyes and just start repeating the word 'relax' in your mind's eye. After a minute or two, open your eyes and start doodling and writing freely everything that comes into your head, no matter what that might be. When you think you've written down all that appeared in your mind, go back over it all and try to write it in rhyme. You'll be surprised just how easy that will be.

If it seems too hard, don't worry about it. Put your thoughts/writings away safely and come back to it another day. Your subconscious mind is a powerful ally and will come to your aid when you do it again. Put aside half an hour a day at least for this exercise, but don't try too hard or all you'll get will be stories and not Poetry.

If after a few days things aren't working for you, then sorry to say, but you're probably not in a positive enough frame of mind (Too much Social Media again I suspect) Whatever else you do, don't give up on your quest. Everyone has the potential to be a Musician, Artist, Writer or a Poet. In the case of a Poet not a Story-Teller (Writer) it is imperative that you first clear your mind and allow only Positive Energy future access.

Good Luck, and persevere, it's a wonderful world which we Must Not Lose to the 'Dark forces' of Social Media and the 'New World Order'.