Design of code generator: There are some issues that have to tackle. - Codeprg


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Friday 22 May 2020

Design of code generator: There are some issues that have to tackle.

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Overview of Compiler:

Source Program( Front End(Lexical Analysis(Token Stream), Syntax Analysis(Abstract Syntax

Tree),Semantic Analysis (Intermediate Code)) ),Backend(Code Generation(Target Program).

Input Source Program     Front End Intermediate Code Generation Code Generation Output Program


• output code must be correct
• output code must be of high quality
• code generator should run efficiently

Design of code generator: There are some issues that have to tackle.

Input: Intermediate representation with the symbol table having assumed that input has been validated by the front end.

 Target programs :
  1. Absolute machine language fast for small programs
  2.  Relocatable machine code requires linker and loader
  3. Assembly code requires assembler, linker, and loader
Instruction selection: Uniformity, Completeness and Instruction speed, power consumption.

MOV b, R0   
 Add c, R0     
MOV R0, a
MOV  a, R0 (can be eliminated)
Add e, R0
MOV R0, d

Inc a
MOV a, R0 
Add #1, R0
MOV R0,a
Register allocation: 
  • Instructions with register  operands are faster
  •  Store long lifetime and counters in registers
  •  Temporary locations
  • Even odd register pairs
Evaluation order :

Example Of Target Machine:

• Byte addressable with 4 bytes per word
• n registers R0, R1, ..., Rn-l
• Two address instructions of the form opcode source, destination

• Usual opcodes like move, add, sub, etc.

• Addressing modes are :

    MODE         FORM   ADDRESS
    Absolute          M       M
    Resister          R       R
    Index       c(R)    c+content(R)
    Indirect Register       *R    content(R)
    Indirect Index      *c(R)   content(c+content(R))
    Literal       #c         c

Flow Graph:)

  • Graph representation of three address code.
  • Useful for understanding code generation(and for optimization)
  •  Nodes represent computation
  • Edges represent the flow of control

Basic blocks

• (maximum) sequence of consecutive statements in which flow of control enters at the beginning and leaves at the end.
Algorithm to identify basic blocks :

• determine leader
– the first statement is a leader
– any target of a goto statement is a leader
– any statement that follows a goto statement is a leader

• For each leader its basic block consists of the leader and all statements up to the next leader 8

• add control flow information to basic blocks

• nodes are the basic blocks

• there is a directed edge from B1 to B2 if B2 can follow B1 in some execution sequence

– there is a jump from the last statement of B1 to the first statement of B2
– B2 follows B1 in the natural order of execution

• initial node: block with the first statement as a leader

Next use information:

• for register and temporary allocation

• remove variables from registers if not used

• statement X = Y op Z defines X and uses Y and Z

• scan each basic blocks backward

• assume all temporaries are dead on exit and all user variables are live on exit

Suppose we are scanning:

i : X:= Y op Z in the backward scan

1. attach to the statement  i, the information in the symbol table about X, Y, Z

2. set X to “not live” and “no next use” in the symbol table.
3. set Y and Z to be “live” and next use as i in the symbol table


1: t1 = a * a
2: t2 = a * b
3: t3 = 2 * t2
4: t4 = t1 + t3
5: t5 = b * b
6: t6 = t4 + t5
7: X = t6

7: no temporary is live

6: t6: use(7), t4 t5 not live

5: t5: use(6)

4: t4: use(6), t1 t3 not live

3: t3:use(4), t2 not live

2: t2:use(3)

1: t1:use(4)

Code Generator:

• consider each statement, remember if operands are in registers

Register descriptor:
– Keep track of what is currently in each register.

– Initially, all the registers are empty

• Address descriptor:
– Keep track of location where the current value of the name can be found at runtime

– The location might be a register, stack, memory address or a set of those

for each X = Y op Z do
• Invoke a function getreg to determine location L where X must be stored. Usually L is a register.

• Consult address descriptor of Y to determine Y'. Prefer a register for Y'. If value of Y not already in L generate


Generate op Z', L Again prefer a register for Z. Update address descriptor of  X to indicate X is in L.
• If L is a register, update its descriptor to indicate that it contains X and remove X from all other register descriptors.
• If current value of Y and/or Z have no next use and are dead on exit from block and are in registers, change register descriptor to indicate that they no longer contain Y and/or Z.

Function getreg:

1. If Y is in register (that holds no other values) and Y is not live and has no next use after X = Y op Z then return register of Y for L.

2. Failing (1) return an empty register

3. Failing (2) if X has a next use in the block or op requires register then get a register R,store its content into M (by Mov R, M) and use it.

4. else select memory location X as L