Given a fraction. Convert it into a decimal. So simple :P
10/2 = 5
3/5 = 0.6
10/2 = 5
3/5 = 0.6
(The Question Begins Now) :D
If the decimals are repeating recursively, then enclose them inside ().
If the decimals are repeating recursively, then enclose them inside ().
8/3 = 2.(6)
8/3 = 2.(6)
as 8/3 = 2.66666666....... infinitly.
Let us simulate the process of converting fraction to decimal. Let us look at the part where we have already figured out the integer part which is floor(numerator/denominator). Now we are left with ( remainder = numerator%denominator ) / denominator.
If you remember the process of converting to decimal, at each step we do the following :
If you remember the process of converting to decimal, at each step we do the following :
- Multiply the remainder by 10.
- Append remainder / denominator to result.
- Remainder = remainder % denominator.
At any moment, if remainder becomes 0, we are done.
However, when there is a recurring sequence, remainder never becomes 0. For example if you look at 1/3, the remainder never becomes 0.
Below is one important observation :
If we start with remainder ‘rem’ and if the remainder repeats at any point of time, the digits between the two occurrence of ‘rem’ keep repeating.
If we start with remainder ‘rem’ and if the remainder repeats at any point of time, the digits between the two occurrence of ‘rem’ keep repeating.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
void fractionToDecimal(int numr, int denr)
string res;
// Create a map to store already seen remainders
// remainder is used as key and its position in
// result is stored as value. Note that we need
// position for cases like 1/6. In this case,
// the recurring sequence doesn't start from first
// remainder.
map <int, int> mp;
// Find first remainder
int rem = numr%denr;
// Keep finding remainder until either remainder
// becomes 0 or repeats
while ( (rem!=0) && (mp.find(rem) == mp.end()) )
// Store this remainder
mp[rem] = res.length();
// Multiply remainder with 10
rem = rem*10;
// Append rem / denr to result
int res_part = rem / denr;
res += to_string(res_part);
// Update remainder
rem = rem % denr;
(rem == 0)? cout<<(double)numr/denr<<endl : cout<<(numr/denr)<<"." <<(res.substr(0,mp[rem]))<<"("<<res.substr(mp[rem])<<")"<<endl;
int main() {
int t;
int t;
int numr, denr;
fractionToDecimal(numr, denr);
return 0;